Saturday, September 29, 2012

A few things I've noticed...

I just wanted to write a quick post about a few things that I’ve noticed about the Germans since I’ve been here, some good, some not so good, some funny, some interesting, but all worth writing about!

1. People always say that Germans never jaywalk and they will give you murderous looks if you ever dare to do it, but all I’ve experienced is waiting (for forever!) for the light to change to green while everyone else around me crosses the street while the light is red. Maybe it’s because Freiburg is kind of a college town and is full of young people who don’t care, but that kind of surprised me.

2. I also read an article back at U of M about how the Germans hate open windows and breezes because they’re afraid of getting sick from a draft, but everyone here keeps their windows open! They love breezes and fresh air here in Freiburg.

3. If you’re eating in a restaurant, the waitress will not come up to you periodically and ask you how your meal is, if you need anything else, or if you’d like the check. Once you order, you’re essentially on your own and you have to flag down the waitress when you want to pay. I actually like this system because the waiters/waitresses in America have an annoying habit of speaking to you when your mouth is full of food and all you can do is nod and grunt.

4. If an elderly person comes on the tram and you try to give up your seat, more often than not he/she will refuse it and choose to stand. My intensive course instructor said you know when they want to sit because they’ll look you in the eye and ask for your seat directly.

5. Where are the water fountains? I feel constantly dehydrated and have taken to carrying around a liter bottle of water everywhere I go because I have yet to see a water fountain in this city. Not one. They’re playing “Let’s Hide from the American!”

I don’t know how the Germans do it.

6. Everyone knows this but I’ll say it anyway. Germans are very prompt and on time. They are also dependable, I asked my roommate Temel for the time and place where I pick up my router for my internet and he said he’d look it up for me. Apparently I was out when he came to tell me and he didn’t have my phone number, so he slapped it on my door in the form of a Post-It note and it was waiting for me the next morning!

7. Almost always strangers on the street speak to each other when they pass each other. It caught me of guard the first couple of times but now I’m quick to respond with a friendly “Hallo!

8. If you start a conversation with a German in German and they can tell you’re American, they automatically switch to English. I’m sure they think they’re being helpful and making it easier on us, but all we want to do is practice our German!

That’s all I’ve noticed for now but I’m sure there will be more things to come!

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